Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Now I Know This Game

So the question was, has my parents always been supportive about me becoming a movie producer? Well, I guess you could say yes, about as much as a family would be supportive of somebody trying to do something that doesn't involve getting a guaranteed paycheck and doesn't involve a direct route success (or at least their concept of success).  So why is it when I tell people I'm separating from the military to follow my dreams of becoming a film producer I get quizzical stares? I guess for the same reason some of my friend desired to take the road less protected with financial certainties and securities for a career that may pay off big or not at all.  I admit it's a gamble.  But knowing how to play the games can lessen the risk of failure.  I think the volatile nature of the industry coupled with the changing demands of the economy has roots in the stares I receive.  And quite frankly most people fear the unknown...as if the military didn't have it fair share of them.  In the military, on numerous occasions we were in some unbelievable, sticky, and very intense beyond measure type situations.  I have no doubts that producing has to be a tad bit easier then this.

For those seeking to become movie producer here is a couple of must have skills to help you along your path.  1.) You should possess organizational skills for there simply is no proxy for it.  With the masses of data, people, budgets, schedules, etc. not being organized is going to hinder your progression.  2.) Be a quick thinker and make decision even quicker.  Things are so volatile during a movie production and things change from moment to moment on a movie set and you must be able to adjust.  3.) Learn to negotiate well.  For a producer is involved with deal making from development to distribution of a film.   To not have this skill will cost you money you could save for other things that will require additional funds.  4.) You must always practice diplomacy.  You will be one of the chief amongst many Indians so as you can expect there will be many fires to put out (no pun intended).  Having this skill will allow you to keep the peace moving the production successfully to the next stage.  5.) Like the military the being involved with films you must have energy and lots of it.  Each project ventured is like a marathon that requires energy to last the good race.  Due to tight schedules and low budgets, stress is bond to accumulate.  Taking care of your body and your mental capacities well because that may be the only thing you have after the director yells "and that a wrap".

At the end of the day our economy is not the greatest and nothing is guaranteed.  I've known people with stable jobs and comfortable lifestyles...they no longer have either.  It's a possibility that we can all end up in the same place in the end.  So why not follow your dreams and passions not matter what it is? And feel comfort in the fact you possess the five skill above and with some luck down the road you my just win the game or at least produce a movie.

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